Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Boss is cleaning his inbox of 1000s of msgs. What does it mean that 75% are from me? Do I send too much or do I have to work towards 80%?
Got an accidental e-mail from US military base looking to order stress balls from branders.com. Sorry, wrong e-mail address!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Does anyone know if the cameras on the SkyTrain are new? Never noticed them mounted on those center posts before.
I think the cleaning ladies play Company of Heroes on our machines when we leave for the day.
Reading up on Continuous Integration and Unit Testing for our #coldfusion development environment. Have SVN, we need to do much more.
Christmas in Princeton was good - very little snow. Left before the snow dump in Van and got back before the rain turned it all to slush.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wow... only -3 C, but it feels like -20. Might be -30 in the morning.
Made the snowy but uneventful trek to Princeton BC. More snow expected soon. Kids excited.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Cool! We just started a Vancouver CF/Flex user group! http://ping.fm/kKUMe - looking forward to this immensely! Thanks Adobe!
Great part of working from home - having lunch with my family. Snow outside, warm inside, yummy eats. Work = bug fixing like crazy.
Congrats to @pingfm for the funding! Love the service guys! Merry Christmas! http://ping.fm/6h1z5
Snowed in, working at home. Feeling very fortunate lately - we are all so very lucky. Kids play last night was very fun - great job Katie!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Late night scrapbooking with the wife. Strange, but fun. Getting in touch with my crafty side? Oh well, long day tomorrow.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Celebrating early Christmas w my fam. Kids are excited, everyone has nice presents. Yay!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Dinner and game (Galaxy Trucker) with friends. Oh, and yummy ice cream. Thanks M&L!
Austin Powers moment - checkout girl turned to friend, holding two yams in front of her chest. "What's the code for these large ones?" Heh.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Braved a quick trip to the mall for small remaining things for wife. Went pretty well, and daughter Little D was helpful.
Like mouse gestures? Just saw gmote http://ping.fm/u4pwr posted to a mailing list, I don't like em, but it sounds cool.
Is it too much to ask? 18 hours with no snow and roads haven't really been cleared.
Congrats to my cousins M&C - the baby girl they are adopting was born this morn - may get to take her home this weekend. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Re: work. We have the makings of a great team, why can't we work together? Why can't management work with us?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dear Santa, it's freakin freezing. I've tried not to complain about the weather all year. For Christmas I'd like to be able to feel my face.
Managed to get TwitterCFC running easily - http://ping.fm/paFBh thanks to Andy's RIAForge project http://ping.fm/8Jgvq and great docs at Twitter

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sigh. One more day until we send a major release to QA. Product is looking good, but could be even better!
Any #coldfusion folks out there play with twitter integration? Expected to find a twitter.cfc, but nothing obvious via google...

JSON in ColdFusion

Pretty excited these days about JSON... I've used it sporadically in many applications, but every month there appears to be new uses for it. I particularly enjoyed one use where we stored some interface preferences as a small JSON cookie. I also LOVE being able to call a CF webservice and auto-magically return JSON (covered in depth at Ben Nadel's blog here: JSON part II) - it's saved us a couple times.

Anyways, I saw a blog post today about the release of JSONUtil - very cool. It's a nice way to serialize and deserialize JSON in CF 7, and is based on CFJSON code.

In my main contract, we've been arguing a bit about returning JSON in the header vs. in the body. We are leaning heavily towards starting to return JSON in the response body, but we're a bit worried about the META tag that CF returns when working in development mode.

Here's some good reading about JSON and Prototype from Frank Tank. He argues nicely for putting JSON in the response body.

Just saw Day the Earth Stood Still. Can't give it more than 6/10. Disappointing.
Great Christmas banquet - got to see Rhythm and News perform.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Finally the world can know - talk to sister J about her good news... now, seriously. Talk to her. Give her a call, something. Now.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Updated my HTC phone to newest ROM last night. Thought it worked, but apparently I can't place calls or surf. Arrgg.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Felt like Baby T cried for 12 hours last night, got maybe 2 hours of good sleep. Late start, must get more done!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Playing with Google Friend Connect, pretty neat. Try it out here: http://ping.fm/8Lrkv
Enjoying the sun while I wait for V... lunch?!?
Urgently looking for developer to help with app, probably 10-20 hours of paid work. CF and GMaps experience? Anyone available?

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Sorry to hear about Adobe financials and layoffs of 600 - http://ping.fm/8iibf{723FE5EC-A2C5-4A8B-A62E-708733D031D6} . Tough times!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

CF logic functions - Imp and Eqv

Thought this was neat - came across this fellow CFer’s blog post about finding the CF Imp function.

Mentions the logic functions Imp (imply) and Eqv (equivalent). Kinda neat, I had totally forgot about Eqv() and I don’t think I ever really knew about Imp().


Adobe Livedocs for logic expressions


Monday, December 01, 2008

Security articles - cf script protection, captcha, cfformprotect

I stumbled across some good CF-related security articles this weekend.

Using htaccess rules to protect against SQL injection

The good and the bad about built-in CF script protection
This article also touches on ways to customize the script protection

Do we get much spam form activity? The use of captcha and reasons not to use it

The best part is that that they talk about CFFormProtect as an alternative, which sounds very cool: