Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Jro Trip Log - Polar Bears and Monkey Butlers
Well, we'll be on our way home soon. We didn't have much time to send you updates. The time in the resort area was great, but the last day of the jungle was a bit frustrating. So I have to say I'm a bit angry. We spent four hours that day trying to find a monkey butler for Ryan.
Saw a bunch more scary birds and a polar bear. That was a bit odd.
Finally after one our hikes we came across a little metal hatch with the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, & 42 written on it. Inside was a nice little cabana where we sipped drinks and spent our last day in the jungle with a guy named Ben.
Ryan's glad we didn't travel to Congo.
So the resort has been nice and relaxing. The people here are amazingly nice; I feel like royalty. Can't wait to get home and show off my large slideshow to everyone that will listen.
Hey, e-mail me back quick.. can one of you guys arrange for a ride from the airport? We're on an Oceanic flight, 815 I think. We'll be getting in at 4:23 or so, depending on delays.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Jro Trip Log - Day Seven
We are now in San Ignacia and going to go do the ruins tomorrow. I love it here the people are sooooo friendly friendlier than anywhere i have been before.
Yesterday Ryan and I did the cave drop tour where we hiked in the jungle for 2 hours and then repelled 300 ft in to a giant cave hole - it was crazy and i have never sweat more in my life!
Anyway love you all - it is awesome everywhere here have internet and so Ryan checks the hockey scores and I email you all quickly.
Best of luck sis!
Jro Trip Log - Day Six
This place is amazing! There are lots of monkeys and we are staying in the cutest little cabana. No major bug or snake problems so that is good.
We went on our first tour today which was to hike for 30 minutes in the jungle and then hike 1 1/2 thru caves to get to the series of 6 waterfalls that we repel up and then on the way back down we jump off! Some were like 15-20 feet high and then we hike it all back out again. Long day but it rocked!
Anyway we were just thinking of everyone wishing you were all here with us.
Sounds awesome. I have a feeling that she wrote this under duress though, perhaps being pressured by the monkeys and snakes that run the place. Note the use of the Americanized 'thru' instead of the proper 'through'. Something is afoot here. Watch for later updates.
Jro Trip Log - No word
Word has it that they are having fun, although they now know a bit too
much about the early morning mating habits of tree monkeys.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Ryan Walter from NHL at conference
Famer Ryan Walter was the guest speaker. He spoke about leadership and
spiritual hunger.
I'm normally not really a ice-breaker game type of guy, but he really
had some great communication games. The builder and architect game was
a great team exercise.
It was also cool having so many fathers and sons there together. I
only brought little T to the last session, but it was cool how the
younger kids were so quick to participate.
He was a great guy, and he had some great old hockey stories. The NHL
in the eighties and nineties sure sounds like an interesting place to
be. Thanks to Ryan and all the other conference organizers for a great
Friday, April 18, 2008
JRo's Trip Log - Welcome to the Jungle
Hey. So here we are in the jungle. Welcome to the jungle *guitar hero GNR*
OK, there's no power here, so no hair driers. No TV, no nothing. At least I don't have to worry about leaving anything plugged in. The place we're staying in is pretty cool, it will be nice to be at the resort in a couple days.
We're walking around aimlessly, Rro is looking for monkeys. Nothing. I swear our quest for monkeys is going to get us lost. If he doesn't find a monkey soon things are going to get ugly.
But what there is a lot of is birds. They are everywhere, and they are crazy. They're big, they're colourful, and they're mean. I thought this would help, but so far it's just starting to give me an anxiety attack. If another one flies at my head I might poop myself. It's probably because my hair is starting to look like a nest.
Anyways, I think the birds are getting into my stuff. Later.
Js Trip Log - Day One
Hey. We arrived last night in Seattle, and got to the airport quickly. I did my hair at the terminal, but by the time we boarded the plane it was frizzy and screwed up.
So we sat down prepped for the long flight, video ipod in hand. The lady won't give us extra peanuts, and there are a bunch of stupid old magazines to read. Rro won't even fork over for a soda, so all we have is little bottles of booze. Now he's half-drunk and belligerent - I thought that was my job.
Did you hear about that squirrel that went crazy on that US flight? Man, if that was me I would never fly again. Crazy squirrels.
Anyways, excited, we'll be there soon. Sixteen hours soon.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Spring camping at Evans Lake
awesome as always - Evans Lakes is beautiful, and Mark runs a great
It's usually quite rainy, but the sun was out all weekend.
Unfortunately the wife was a bit sick, and we had to leave early. Who
brings a one month old baby to camp anyways?
One of my favourite moments was sitting by the water with little D
talking about life, nature and the mysterious underwater Galactapus.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Friday, April 04, 2008
Test post from phone
Tony Brandner :: tony@brandners.com
Brandner Technologies :: 604.880.1114