Monday, April 21, 2008

Jro Trip Log - Day Six

Got another update from the sister. Yay!


This place is amazing! There are lots of monkeys and we are staying in the cutest little cabana. No major bug or snake problems so that is good.

We went on our first tour today which was to hike for 30 minutes in the jungle and then hike 1 1/2 thru caves to get to the series of 6 waterfalls that we repel up and then on the way back down we jump off! Some were like 15-20 feet high and then we hike it all back out again. Long day but it rocked!

Anyway we were just thinking of everyone wishing you were all here with us.


Sounds awesome. I have a feeling that she wrote this under duress though, perhaps being pressured by the monkeys and snakes that run the place. Note the use of the Americanized 'thru' instead of the proper 'through'. Something is afoot here. Watch for later updates.

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